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Cosmetic Box – Complete Guide To Labelling & Packaging

Cosmetic Box – Complete Guide To Labelling & Packaging Image

So, you have started a cosmetic business? You are on the right page to get an idea of labeling and packaging. Here, we will discuss a complete guide to cosmetic box labeling and packaging.

Recent data has revealed that the cosmetics industry has shown immense growth depicting no signs of the cosmetic industry going down. A renowned cosmetics brand has made millions of dollars within a year. Over a year, many new cosmetics companies established, earning their place in the global market. These facts about the cosmetic industry do not mean that there is no more room for the upcoming cosmetic brands. According to Darwin’s theory,” survival of the fittest and the removal of unfit.” So, before launching any cosmetic brand, you need to know comprehensive guidelines about custom cosmetic labeling and packaging. Here is a complete guide to cosmetic labeling and packaging.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Box Packaging

The main and the most significant thing to know about your luxury cosmetics packaging is to choose the suitable container for your cosmetics. It is useless to spend money on expensive packaging if you have not selected the perfect packaging for your cosmetic product. Every cosmetic product demands a different type of custom box packaging like if you are thinking of launching lip balm, you have to consider some factors such as is its container strong enough to lock its moisture preventing its loss into the external environment? Similarly, customer prefer a bottle container with a pump in the market to squeeze the foundation out easily.

Moreover, the first thing that is always noticeable is custom box packaging which allows customers to invest in that product. So, while selecting custom packaging boxes, you should highly focus on the factors which encourage an increased sales rate. It would help if you had a better idea about the custom box printing packaging and the custom box designs as it represents your brand in the market, adding value to your products.


When deciding on the size of the container, you should have a clear idea of what type of product the container will make. What will be its shelf life? Is it a daily base product or occasionally one? After finding the correct answers to these simple questions, select the perfect container for your product.


Common materials for custom cosmetics box packaging are metal, glass, or plastic. People reject plastics and other packaging that is not degradable and harmful to the environment. So, before finalizing any material, make sure that those materials are eco-friendly as it increases the chances of more sales. Using aluminum or glass material adds charms to the product raising its price. But who cares for the price when it appeals to the eyes.


There are a variety of custom box packaging shapes available in the market. What you have to consider before finalizing the conditions is to ask yourself a question: Am I going to buy this product after having a single sight on it in the market? If your answer is no, you must reconsider the design and go with custom printed cosmetic box packaging that is unique and adds beauty to the product.

Color and Clarity

The Color for the cosmetic packaging design will be what you want it to be. It brings the style and visual look to your custom box packaging, giving it a luxury decorative effect. What else can you expect from custom box packaging if they will make a difference by adding colors and clarity to the cosmetics box packaging?


Not all luxury custom cosmetics boxes are out of reach of small business owners. You can also give your custom printed cosmetics boxes a velvety gold look at an affordable price by ordering cosmetics box packaging in bulk to get a wholesale rate with luxurious feelings.

Cosmetic Packaging Design

Before launching a custom cosmetic box packaging in the market, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid any hustle. Considering a design box available in the market, you need to select the best custom cosmetic design which is distinctive and affordable. Product design is purely based upon the product’s size, the material of the product gender of its users, and the type of the product. All products have different sizes and need different box packaging, highly affecting your sales rate. It seems funny to select funky colors for male-related products and sober colors for females. No one is going to buy it. So you need to focus on your target audience and the essence of your brand.

Identify Your Customer and Brand Personality

Labeling and packaging of the product is the impression of any brand on the market. High-end packaging gives a clear idea of top-notch quality and standards followed by any brand. So, to increase your sales rate in the market, work on the labeling and custom cosmetic box packaging to stand high in the market.

Consider Cosmetic Box and Labeling Options

One of the essential aspects of brands packaging is the shape and the label size. The complete style of your labeling depends upon the container or the bottle size, and having a large bottle allows you to go for a full wrap around the label. It is categorized into three panels, left and right panels are for mentioning directions for use and ingredients details. The middle panel is entirely left for your brand logo and other important information like a sales message.

Designing Your Cosmetic Box Packaging

Custom Cosmetic Boxes is using software like adobe illustrator, Corel Drawers, etc. They make a highly professional and attractive design for you that seems beautiful on the screen and gives a pleasing effect after getting printed on the custom cosmetic box packaging.

Again, you need to know some basic requirements for labeling the product, and custom boxes are comprehensively explained here.

Cosmetic Box Labelling Requirements

Some of the points are mandatory for you to label on the custom cosmetics box packaging to make it easy for the user to understand its expiry, its nature of manufacturing, ingredients, and location of export or import. These are essential to label on cosmetic box packaging if you want to sell your products in the U.S market.

Ingredient Listings and Allergens

Not all people can use all types of cosmetics; no matter if it’s a perfume or skincare product, people can get sensitive to it. So, it is recommended to mention the ingredients on the packaging and allergens to avoid any confusion. Try labeling like “not for sensitive skin,” alcoholic product,” or “for all ages,” and it gives a better idea about the product.

Also, suppose you are an organic and synthetic cosmetic manufacturer. In that case, you are advised to write natural or organic on the front of the product so people can easily see its organic nature.

Contact Details On Cosmetic Box

You should include your contact details, location, and your social media account handle so customers can get in touch with you whenever they need any help. If you want to go with minimum information, your company name and address are necessary. But, it is better to mention your phone number and email too. As much as you can facilitate your users, they will get back to you more often.

Shelf Life

Current legislation requires an indication for the duration of the time if the product is effective for less than three years. Its shelf life is indicated on the product box with an open jar symbol. The period is mentioned on the jar for customers as 6M or 12 M, where m is abbreviated for months.

Batch Code/Number On Cosmetic Box

Batch code/number allows detecting the product. Also, if there is an issue, it can be found by its batch number, which is a mark of identifying any product.

Net Measurements

The e-marks shown 0on the packaging indicates that all measurements mentioned on it are an average, and this e stands for an estimated-measurements. The deficit tolerance is about 1% for the large quantities and 9% f0r the small amounts.

Precautions and Warnings

It is a must for you to mention precautions and warnings on the custom cosmetics box packaging so that one should avoid misusing it. Highlight the risks like “DON’T MOVE IN SUNLIGHT WHILE APPLYING THIS PRODUCT” or STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.”

Please avoid to include the common sense warnings that a user already knows by himself; you should only highlight the possible risks.

These guidelines are essential to follow while selecting the labeling and packaging of the custom cosmetics boxes.

Try not to skip any part to ensure the perfect packaging and labeling.

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